Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aunt Helen

I wasn't expecting the morning call
That my Aunt had passed through
To a world
That I couldn't see

I wasn't expecting
The flood of tears
For someone who held the same name
As me

For we hadn't spoken in so many years
Birthdays came and went

But the phone rang three times
And no one was there
As she began her skyward ascent

And my fingers were ice
When she held my hand
Asking directions of me

Her breath ever still and
Her voice always soft...
I told her that she could just Be

In the mountains so tall
In the valley so warm
In the clouds ever changing above

Beside me
Within me
Around me...
She wanted to love

With death comes reminders
Of futures to know
Of changes demanding we learn

Beginning new dreams of
Tomorrows unseen, of
The wisdom we desperately yearn

Unprepared as I was
For this visit from Death
Life a thief, how he stole my breath

I could still feel her smile
As it landed beside me with
Her laughter to guide me

Were her dimples still mine
Where the angels had kissed me?
She whispered a yes with a simple good-bye as
She melted into the sky.
